Source code for pacman.s20_extract

import sys
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from import ascii, fits
from astropy.table import QTable
from tqdm import tqdm

from .lib import manageevent as me
from .lib import optextr
from .lib import plots
from .lib import util

[docs]def run20(eventlabel, workdir: Path, meta=None): """This function extracts the spectrum and saves the total flux and the flux as a function of wavelength into files. """ print('Starting s20') if meta is None: meta = me.loadevent(workdir / f'WFC3_{eventlabel}_Meta_Save') # NOTE: Load in more information into meta meta = util.ancil(meta, s20=True) ############################################################################################################################################################### # NOTE: STEP 0: Set up files and directories ############################################################################################################################################################### dirname = meta.workdir / "extracted_lc" /\ datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') if not dirname.exists(): dirname.mkdir(parents=True) # NOTE: Let's have a copy of the pcf in the extracted_lc directory # This copy is just for the user to know what parameters they used when # running s20 shutil.copy(meta.workdir / 'obs_par.pcf', dirname) # NOTE: Initialize the astropy tables where we will save the extracted # spectra if meta.output: table_white = QTable(names=('t_mjd', 't_bjd', 't_visit','t_orbit', 'ivisit', 'iorbit', 'scan', 'spec_opt', 'var_opt', 'spec_box', 'var_box')) table_spec = QTable(names=('t_mjd', 't_bjd', 't_visit','t_orbit', 'ivisit', 'iorbit', 'scan', 'spec_opt', 'var_opt', 'template_waves')) table_diagnostics = QTable(names=('nspectra', 't_mjd', 'numoutliers', 'skymedian', "# nans")) table_background = QTable(names=('t_mjd', 't_bjd', 'ivisit', 'iorbit', 'scan', 'n_sample', 'skymedian')) files_sp = meta.files_sp # spectra files nspectra = 0 # iterator variable to track number of spectra reduced # NOTE: Only do the first N files, if wanted by the user if meta.s20_testing: meta.nexp = meta.n_testing print('Running s20 in testing mode...') else: meta.nexp = len(files_sp) # number of exposures # TODO: add pcf flag to only save the plots for the very first file # NOTE: The following lists are used for diagnostic plots if meta.save_utr_aper_evo_plot or meta.show_utr_aper_evo_plot: peaks_all = [] if meta.save_bkg_evo_plot or meta.show_bkg_evo_plot: bkg_evo = [] if meta.save_sp1d_diff_plot or meta.show_sp1d_diff_plot: sp1d_all = [] wvl_hires = np.linspace(7000, 17800, 1000) if meta.save_drift_plot or meta.show_drift_plot: leastsq_res_all = [] print('in total #visits, #orbits:', (meta.nvisit, meta.norbit), '\n') if meta.background_box: print('Using Background Box') # NOTE: In order to have the correct order of print() with tqdm, # i added file=sys.stdout # source: for i in tqdm(np.arange(meta.nexp, dtype=int), desc='***************** Looping over files', file=sys.stdout):#tqdm(np.arange(len(files_sp), dtype=int)): f = files_sp[i] # Current file print(f"\nFilename: {f}") d = # Opens the file scan = meta.scans_sp[i] # Scan direction of the spectrum # NOTE: Plot with good visible background if meta.save_sp2d_plot or meta.show_sp2d_plot: plots.sp2d(d, meta, i) visnum, orbnum = meta.ivisit_sp[i], meta.iorbit_sp_cumulative[i] # Current visit and cumulative orbit number print('current visit, orbit: ', (visnum, orbnum)) # NOTE: Plot trace y pos in the trace plot is the position of the DI if meta.save_trace_plot or meta.show_trace_plot: plots.trace(d, meta, visnum, orbnum, i) # TODO: SPEED UP: calculation of the start and end of the trace could be moved to It's also used in plots.plot_trace. Also in plots.utr cmin = int(meta.refpix[orbnum, 2] + meta.POSTARG1/meta.platescale) + meta.BEAMA_i + meta.LTV1 #determines left column for extraction (beginning of the trace) cmax = min(int(meta.refpix[orbnum, 2] + meta.POSTARG1/meta.platescale) + meta.BEAMA_f + meta.LTV1, meta.subarray_size-5) #right column (end of trace, or edge of detector) rmin, rmax = int(meta.rmin), int(meta.rmax) # Top and bottom row for extraction (specified in obs_par.txt) meta.npix = cmax - cmin # TODO: SPEED UP: This calculation is done for every file again from new! # TODO: Move it to so its done just once meta.wave_grid = util.get_wave_grid(meta) # Gets grid of wavelength solutions for each orbit and row M = np.ones_like(d[1].data[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax]) #mask for bad pixels flatfield = util.get_flatfield(meta) bpix = d[3].data[rmin:rmax,cmin:cmax] badpixind = (bpix==4)|(bpix==512)|(flatfield[orbnum][rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] == -1.) #selects bad pixels # print('bad pixels', sum(bpix==4), sum(bpix==512),sum(flatfield[orbnum][rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] == -1.), sum(badpixind)) if i == 0: plots.badmask_2d((bpix==4), (bpix==512), (flatfield[orbnum][rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] == -1), meta, i) M[badpixind] = 0.0 #initializes bad pixel mask # NOTE: Store number of bad pixels spec_box = np.zeros(cmax - cmin) #box extracted standard spectrum spec_opt = np.zeros(cmax - cmin) #optimally extracted spectrum var_box = np.zeros(cmax - cmin) #box spectrum variance var_opt = np.zeros(cmax - cmin) #optimal spectrum variance ######################################################################################################################################################### # NOTE: Loops over up-the-ramp-samples (skipping first two very short exposures); gets all needed input for optextr routine # ######################################################################################################################################################### # In order to not print a new line with tqdm every time, I added # leave=True, position=0 # source: if len(set(meta.scans_sp)) == 1: for ii in tqdm(np.arange(d[0].header['nsamp']-1, dtype=int), desc='--- Looping over up-the-ramp-samples', leave=True, position=0): fullframe = d[ii * 5 + 1].data frame = fullframe[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] # NOTE: Calculate aperture peaks = util.peak_finder(frame, i, ii, orbnum, meta) # NOTE: Stores the locations of the peaks for every file and # up-the-ramp-samples if meta.save_utr_aper_evo_plot or meta.show_utr_aper_evo_plot: peaks_all.append(peaks) ### BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION if not meta.background_box: # we remove the columns which have the trace in them for the background estimation # we also add another buffer of 10 pixels to avoid including significant target flux # fullframe_wo_spec is therefore the frame without the spectrum including the 10 pixel buffer fullframe_wo_spec = np.concatenate((fullframe[:,:(cmin-10)], fullframe[:,(cmax+10):]), axis=1) below_threshold = fullframe_wo_spec < meta.background_thld # mask with all pixels below the user defined threshold skymedian = np.median(fullframe_wo_spec[below_threshold].flatten()) # estimates the background counts by taking the flux median of the pixels below the flux threshold if meta.save_bkg_evo_plot or meta.show_bkg_evo_plot: bkg_evo.append(skymedian) skyvar = util.median_abs_dev(fullframe_wo_spec[below_threshold].flatten()) # variance for the background count estimate if meta.save_bkg_hist_plot or meta.show_bkg_hist_plot: plots.bkg_hist(fullframe_wo_spec, skymedian, meta, i, ii) else: bg_rmin, bg_rmax, bg_cmin, bg_cmax = int(meta.bg_rmin), int(meta.bg_rmax), int(meta.bg_cmin), int(meta.bg_cmax), skymedian = np.median(fullframe[bg_rmin:bg_rmax, bg_cmin:bg_cmax].flatten()) if meta.save_bkg_evo_plot or meta.show_bkg_evo_plot: bkg_evo.append(skymedian) skyvar = util.median_abs_dev(fullframe[bg_rmin:bg_rmax, bg_cmin:bg_cmax].flatten()) frame = frame - skymedian spectrum = frame[max(min(peaks) - meta.window, 0):min(max(peaks) + meta.window, rmax), :] err = np.zeros_like(spectrum) + float(meta.rdnoise) ** 2 + skyvar var = abs(spectrum) + float( meta.rdnoise) ** 2 + skyvar # Variance estimate: Poisson noise from photon counts (first term) + readnoise (factor of 2 for differencing) + skyvar spec_box_0 = spectrum.sum(axis=0) # Initial box-extracted spectrum var_box_0 = var.sum(axis=0) # Initial variance guess # Mnew = np.ones_like(M[max(min(peaks) - meta.window, 0):min(max(peaks) + meta.window, rmax),:]) # Mnew = M[max(peaks_mid - 110, 0):min(peaks_mid + 110, rmax),:] Mnew = M[max(min(peaks) - meta.window, 0):min(max(peaks) + meta.window, rmax), :] # TODO: Just use meta to reduce the number of parameters which are given to optextr if meta.opt_extract == True: [f_opt_0, var_opt_0, numoutliers] = optextr.optextr(spectrum, err, spec_box_0, var_box_0, Mnew, meta.nsmooth, meta.sig_cut, meta.save_optextr_plot, i, ii, meta) else: [f_opt, var_opt] = [spec_box_0, var_box_0] # NOTE: Sums up spectra and variance for all the differenced # images spec_opt += f_opt_0 var_opt += var_opt_0 spec_box += spec_box_0 var_box += var_box_0 elif len(set(meta.scans_sp)) == 2: for ii in tqdm(np.arange(d[0].header['nsamp']-2, dtype=int), desc='--- Looping over up-the-ramp-samples', leave=True, position=0): diff = d[ii*5 + 1].data[rmin:rmax,cmin:cmax] - d[ii*5 + 6].data[rmin:rmax,cmin:cmax] # Creates image that is the difference between successive scans # NOTE: Calculate aperture peaks = util.peak_finder(diff, i, ii, orbnum, meta) # NOTE: Stores the locations of the peaks for every file # and up-the-ramp-samples if meta.save_utr_aper_evo_plot or meta.show_utr_aper_evo_plot: peaks_all.append(peaks) # NOTE: Sstimates sky background and variance fullframe_diff = d[ii*5 + 1].data - d[ii*5 + 6].data # Fullframe difference between successive scans # NOTE: Background subtraction if not meta.background_box: # we remove the columns which have the trace in them for the background estimation # we also add another buffer of 10 pixels to avoid including significant target flux # fullframe_diff_wo_spec is therefore the difference frame without the spectrum including the 10 pixel buffer fullframe_diff_wo_spec = np.concatenate((fullframe_diff[:,:(cmin-10)], fullframe_diff[:,(cmax+10):]), axis=1) below_threshold = fullframe_diff_wo_spec < meta.background_thld # mask with all pixels below the user defined threshold skymedian = np.median(fullframe_diff_wo_spec[below_threshold].flatten()) # estimates the background counts by taking the flux median of the pixels below the flux threshold if meta.save_bkg_evo_plot or meta.show_bkg_evo_plot: bkg_evo.append(skymedian) skyvar = util.median_abs_dev(fullframe_diff_wo_spec[below_threshold].flatten()) # variance for the background count estimate if meta.save_bkg_hist_plot or meta.show_bkg_hist_plot: plots.bkg_hist(fullframe_diff_wo_spec, skymedian, meta, i, ii) else: bg_rmin, bg_rmax, bg_cmin, bg_cmax = int(meta.bg_rmin), int(meta.bg_rmax), int(meta.bg_cmin), int(meta.bg_cmax), skymedian = np.median(fullframe_diff[bg_rmin:bg_rmax, bg_cmin:bg_cmax].flatten()) if meta.save_bkg_evo_plot or meta.show_bkg_evo_plot: bkg_evo.append(skymedian) skyvar = util.median_abs_dev(fullframe_diff[bg_rmin:bg_rmax, bg_cmin:bg_cmax].flatten()) diff = diff - skymedian #subtracts the background table_background.add_row([meta.t_mjd_sp[i], meta.t_bjd_sp[i], visnum, orbnum, scan, ii, skymedian]) # print(peaks[0]-peaks[1]) # peaks_mid = int((peaks[0]+peaks[1])/2) # NOTE: Selects postage stamp centered around spectrum # we use a bit more data by using the user defined window # spectrum = diff[max(peaks_mid - 110, 0):min(peaks_mid + 110, rmax),:] spectrum = diff[max(min(peaks) - meta.window, 0):min(max(peaks) + meta.window, rmax),:] err = np.zeros_like(spectrum) + float(meta.rdnoise)**2 + skyvar var = abs(spectrum) + float(meta.rdnoise)**2 + skyvar # variance estimate: Poisson noise from photon counts (first term) + readnoise (factor of 2 for differencing) + skyvar spec_box_0 = spectrum.sum(axis = 0) # initial box-extracted spectrum var_box_0 = var.sum(axis = 0) # initial variance guess # Mnew = np.ones_like(M[max(min(peaks) - meta.window, 0):min(max(peaks) + meta.window, rmax),:]) # Mnew = M[max(peaks_mid - 110, 0):min(peaks_mid + 110, rmax),:] Mnew = M[max(min(peaks) - meta.window, 0):min(max(peaks) + meta.window, rmax),:] # TODO: Just use meta to reduce the number of parameters which are given to optextr if meta.opt_extract==True: [f_opt_0, var_opt_0, numoutliers] = optextr.optextr(spectrum, err, spec_box_0, var_box_0, Mnew, meta.nsmooth, meta.sig_cut, meta.save_optextr_plot, i, ii, meta) else: [f_opt, var_opt] = [spec_box_0,var_box_0] # NOTE: Sums up spectra and variance for all the differenced images spec_opt += f_opt_0 var_opt += var_opt_0 spec_box += spec_box_0 var_box += var_box_0 ###################################################################################################################################### # TODO: Q: int(meta.refpix[orbnum, 1]) + meta.LTV1 is kinda sus # TODO: Q: in util.get_wave_grid we have: # TODO: Q: disp_solution = geo.dispersion(meta.refpix[i,1], -meta.LTV2+j) # TODO: Q: delx = 0.5 + np.arange(meta.subarray_size) - (meta.refpix[i,2] + meta.LTV1 + meta.POSTARG1/meta.platescale) template_waves = meta.wave_grid[0, int(meta.refpix[orbnum, 1]) + meta.LTV1, cmin:cmax] # print(template_waves) # NOTE: Corrects for wavelength drift over time if meta.correct_wave_shift == True: if i in meta.new_visit_idx_sp: # NOTE: Store x & y data if it's the first exposure in the visit if meta.correct_wave_shift_refspec == True: x_data_firstexpvisit, y_data_firstexpvisit, leastsq_res = util.correct_wave_shift_fct_0(meta, orbnum, cmin, cmax, spec_opt, i) else: x_data_firstexpvisit, y_data_firstexpvisit, leastsq_res = util.correct_wave_shift_fct_00(meta, orbnum, cmin, cmax, spec_opt, i) wvls = np.copy(x_data_firstexpvisit) if (meta.save_drift_plot or meta.show_drift_plot) and (not meta.correct_wave_shift_refspec): leastsq_res_all.append(leastsq_res) else: wvls, leastsq_res = util.correct_wave_shift_fct_1(meta, orbnum, cmin, cmax, spec_opt, x_data_firstexpvisit, y_data_firstexpvisit, i) if meta.save_drift_plot or meta.show_drift_plot: leastsq_res_all.append(leastsq_res) # NOTE: If you dont want to correct it: else: wvls = template_waves # NOTE: Stores 1d spectra into list for plot if meta.opt_extract and (meta.save_sp1d_diff_plot or meta.show_sp1d_diff_plot): sp1d_all.append(np.interp(wvl_hires, wvls, spec_opt)) if not meta.opt_extract and (meta.save_sp1d_diff_plot or meta.show_sp1d_diff_plot): sp1d_all.append(np.interp(wvl_hires, wvls, spec_box)) # NOTE: Plot of the 1d spectrum if meta.save_sp1d_plot or meta.show_sp1d_plot: if meta.opt_extract: plots.sp1d(wvls, spec_box, meta, i, spec_opt=spec_opt) else: plots.sp1d(wvls, spec_box, meta, i) # NOTE: Adds rows to the astropy tables table_white.add_row([meta.t_mjd_sp[i], meta.t_bjd_sp[i], meta.t_visit_sp[i], meta.t_orbit_sp[i], visnum, orbnum, scan, sum(spec_opt), sum(var_opt), sum(spec_box), sum(var_box)]) n = len(spec_opt) for ii in np.arange(n): table_spec.add_row([meta.t_mjd_sp[i], meta.t_bjd_sp[i], meta.t_visit_sp[i], meta.t_orbit_sp[i], visnum, orbnum, scan, spec_opt[ii], var_opt[ii], wvls[ii]]) table_diagnostics.add_row([nspectra, meta.t_mjd_sp[i], numoutliers, skymedian, sum(np.isnan(spec_opt))]) nspectra += 1 print('\n') # NOTE: Save results in the astropy tables if meta.output: ascii.write(table_white, dirname / 'lc_white.txt', format='ecsv', overwrite=True) ascii.write(table_spec, dirname / 'lc_spec.txt', format='ecsv', overwrite=True) ascii.write(table_diagnostics, dirname / 'diagnostics.txt', format='ecsv', overwrite=True) ascii.write(table_background, dirname / 'background.txt', format='ecsv', overwrite=True) print('Saving Metadata') me.saveevent(meta, meta.workdir / f'WFC3_{meta.eventlabel}_Meta_Save', save=[]) # NOTE: Make Plots if meta.save_bkg_evo_plot or meta.show_bkg_evo_plot: plots.bkg_evo(bkg_evo, meta) if meta.save_sp1d_diff_plot or meta.show_sp1d_diff_plot: sp1d_all = np.array(sp1d_all) sp1d_all_diff = np.diff(sp1d_all, axis=0) plots.sp1d_diff(sp1d_all_diff, meta, wvl_hires) if meta.save_utr_aper_evo_plot or meta.show_utr_aper_evo_plot: plots.utr_aper_evo(peaks_all, meta) if meta.save_drift_plot or meta.show_drift_plot: plots.drift(leastsq_res_all, meta) print('Finished s20 \n') return meta