Source code for pacman.s02_barycorr

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from import ascii
from astropy.table import Column
from tqdm import tqdm

from .lib import suntimecorr
from .lib import util
from .lib import manageevent as me

[docs]def run02(eventlabel: str, workdir: Path, meta=None): """Performs the barycentric correction of the observation times - performs the barycentric correction based on the t_mjd in filelist.txt. - Adds another column to filelist.txt called t_bjd - Plots will be saved in ./run/run_2021-01-01_12-34-56_eventname/ancil/horizons Parameters ---------- eventlabel : str the label given to the event in the run script. Will determine the name of the run directory workdir : str the name of the work directory. meta the name of the metadata file Returns ------- meta meta object with all the meta data stored in s01 Notes ----- History: Written by Sebastian Zieba December 2021 """ print('Starting s02') if meta is None: meta = me.loadevent(workdir / f'WFC3_{eventlabel}_Meta_Save') # read in filelist filelist_path = meta.workdir / 'filelist.txt' if filelist_path.exists(): filelist = ivisit = filelist['ivisit'] t_mjd = filelist['t_mjd'] t_bjd = np.zeros(len(t_mjd)) # load in more information into meta meta = util.ancil(meta) # Converting mjd to bjd for i in tqdm(range(max(ivisit) + 1), desc='Converting MJD to BJD', ascii=True): iivisit = ivisit == i t_jd = t_mjd[iivisit] + 2400000.5 # converts time to BJD_TDB; see Eastman et al. 2010 equation 4 t_jd = t_jd + (32.184) / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0) t_bjd[iivisit] = t_jd + (suntimecorr.suntimecorr(meta, t_jd, meta.coordtable[i], verbose=False)) / ( 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0) # Identify orbits and visits iorbit = 0 ivisit = 0 tos = np.zeros(len(t_bjd)) # Time since begin of orbit tvs = np.zeros(len(t_bjd)) # Time since begin of visit iorbit_begin = 0 # Index of first exposure in orbit ivisit_begin = 0 # Index of first exposure in visit times_diff = np.insert(np.diff(t_bjd), 0, 0) for i, itime in enumerate(tqdm(t_bjd, desc='Correcting orbit and visit times to BJD', ascii=True)): # If two exposures arent in the same orbit and more than an orbital period apart -> not subsequent orbits but a new visit if times_diff[i] * 24 * 60 > 100: iorbit_begin = i ivisit_begin = i iorbit = 0 ivisit += 1 # If two exposures are more than 10 min apart but less than an orbital period -> subsequent orbits elif 30 < times_diff[i] * 24 * 60 <= 100: iorbit_begin = i iorbit += 1 # Else: two exposures less than 10 mins apart -> same orbit and same visit tos[i] = (itime - t_bjd[iorbit_begin]) * 24 * 60 # time since first exposure in orbit tvs[i] = (itime - t_bjd[ivisit_begin]) * 24 * 60 # time since first exposure in visit print('Writing t_bjd into filelist.txt') if not any(np.array(filelist.keys()) == 't_bjd'): filelist.add_column(Column(data=t_bjd, name='t_bjd')) ascii.write(filelist, filelist_path, format='rst', overwrite=True) else: filelist.replace_column(name='t_bjd', col=Column(data=t_bjd, name='t_bjd')) ascii.write(filelist, filelist_path, format='rst', overwrite=True) # Overwrite old visit and orbit times with BJD corrected ones filelist['t_visit'] = tvs filelist['t_orbit'] = tos ascii.write(filelist, filelist_path, format='rst', overwrite=True) # Save results print('Saving Metadata') me.saveevent(meta, meta.workdir / f'WFC3_{meta.eventlabel}_Meta_Save', save=[]) print('Finished s02 \n') return meta