Source code for pacman.lib.stellar_spectrum

import urllib.request
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlopen

import numpy as np
from import fits
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from .options import OPTIONS

[docs]def get_bb(user_teff): """Creates a blackbody spectrum for a given stellar effective temperature, Teff. Parameters ---------- user_teff: float stellar effective temperature Returns ------- wvl: numpy array wavelength np.linspace(0.1, 6, 1000) / 1e6 flux: numpy array stellar flux in units of W/sr/m^3 """ wvls1 = np.linspace(0.1, 0.7, 100, endpoint=False) / 1e6 wvls2 = np.linspace(0.7, 1.1, 400, endpoint=False) / 1e6 wvls3 = np.linspace(1.1, 1.9, 400, endpoint=False) / 1e6 wvls4 = np.linspace(1.9, 6.0, 100, endpoint=False) / 1e6 wvls = np.concatenate((wvls1, wvls2, wvls3, wvls4)) h = 6.62607004e-34 # m^2 kg/s c = 299792458.0 # m/s kb = 1.38064852e-23 # m^2 kg /s^2 K flux = (2.0*h*(c**2)/(wvls**5))*(1.0/( np.exp( (h*c)/(wvls*kb*user_teff) )- 1.0)) #SI units: W/sr/m^3 return wvls, flux
[docs]def downloader(url: str) -> None: """This function downloads a file from the given url using urllib.request.""" file_name = Path(url).name print(f'\t + Downloading file {file_name} from {url}.') urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file_name)
[docs]def find_nearest(array: ArrayLike, value: float): """Finds nearest element to a value in an array. Taken from """ array = np.asarray(array) idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin() return array[idx]
[docs]def get_sm(meta, user_met, user_logg: float, user_teff: float): """Creates a Kurucz 1994, Castelli and Kurucz 2004 or Phoenix stellar spectrum for a given stellar effective temperature, metallicity and log g. Parameters ------------ meta : a metadata instance. user_met : float stellar metallicity. user_logg : float stellar logg. user_teff : float stellar effective temperature. Returns ---------- wvl : numpy array wavelength np.linspace(0.1, 6, 1000) / 1e6. flux : numpy array stellar flux in units of W/sr/m^3. Notes: ---------- History: Written by Sebastian Zieba December 2021 """ rooturl = '' sm = if sm == 'k93models': label = 'k' possible_mets = np.array( [1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5, -4.0, -4.5, -5.0]) if sm == 'ck04models': label = 'ck' possible_mets = np.array([0.0, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, -2.5, +0.5, +0.2]) if sm == 'phoenix': label = 'phoenix' possible_mets = np.array([0.0, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5, -4.0, +0.5, +0.3]) chosen_met = find_nearest(possible_mets, user_met) if user_met not in possible_mets: print('Possible metallicities: {0}'.format(possible_mets)) print('For input metallicity {}, closest metallicity is {}. \n'.format(user_met, chosen_met)) elif user_met in possible_mets: print('Possible metallicities: {0}'.format(possible_mets)) print('Using input metallicity of {}. \n'.format(user_met)) # annoyingly, k93models and ck04models use the convention that 0 = +0 -> p00 # but phoenix uses 0 = -0 -> m00 if (sm == 'k93models') or (sm == 'ck04models'): if chosen_met < 0: l0 = 'm' else: l0 = 'p' elif sm == 'phoenix': if chosen_met <= 0: l0 = 'm' else: l0 = 'p' # e.g., M/H = 0.5 --> 05 # e.g., M/H = 2.0 --> 20 l1 = str(abs(chosen_met)).replace(".", "") met_url = f'{label}{l0}{l1}' # e.g., ckp05 full_url = f'{rooturl}{sm}/{met_url}' sm_dir_run = meta.workdir / 'ancil' / 'stellar_models' if not sm_dir_run.exists(): sm_dir_run.mkdir(parents=True) sm_dir_run = sm_dir_run / sm if not sm_dir_run.exists(): sm_dir_run.mkdir(parents=True) sm_dir_pkg = meta.pacmandir / 'data' / 'stellar_models' / sm if not sm_dir_pkg.exists(): sm_dir_pkg.mkdir(parents=True) # check if a list of all downloadable files exists. If not create it. file_list_path = sm_dir_pkg / 'file_list.txt' if not file_list_path.exists(): # inspired by code in: # # html = str(urlopen(full_url).read()) # hyperlinks in html have the following form, e.g.,: # <a href="kp00_5000.fits">kp00_5000.fits</a> # so we first look for <a # then take the label between "> and <\a> # finally check that the label includes .fits in the name all_files = [] while True: idx1 = html.find('<a ') if (idx1 == -1): break else: html = html[idx1:] idx2 = html.find('\">') idx3 = html.find('</a>') filename = html[idx2 + 2:idx3] if '.fits' in filename: all_files.append(html[idx2 + 2:idx3]) html = html[idx3 + 4:] with'w', encoding=OPTIONS["encoding"]) as f: for file in all_files: f.write(file + '\n') else: all_files = np.loadtxt(file_list_path, dtype=str).T # Determine the possible temperature from the filenames possible_teffs = np.array([float(i.split('_')[1].split('.')[0]) for i in all_files]) chosen_teff = find_nearest(possible_teffs, user_teff) if user_teff not in possible_teffs: print(f'Possible effective temperatures: {possible_teffs}') print(f'For input effective temperature {user_teff}, closest temperature is {chosen_teff}.\n') elif user_teff in possible_teffs: print(f'Possible effective temperatures: {possible_teffs}') print(f'Using input effective temperature of {user_teff}.\n') #we now know the metallicity and temperature and can download the needed file (it wont download it again if it already exists) filename = f'{met_url}_{int(chosen_teff)}.fits' full_url = f'{full_url}/{filename}' # If the file wasnt downloaded yet, download it. Then move it into meta.workdir + 'ancil/stellar_models/{0}/'.format(sm) filepath = sm_dir_run / filename print(f'Was the stellar model fits file called {filename} already downloaded?:', filepath.exists(), '\n') if not filepath.exists(): downloader(full_url) Path(filename).rename(filepath) # the files contains all available log g for a specific metallicity and temperature hdul = cols = hdul[1].data.names # finding out which log g are available possible_loggs = [] for i in cols: if 'g' in i: possible_loggs.append(float(i[1] + '.' + i[2])) possible_loggs = np.array(possible_loggs) chosen_logg = find_nearest(possible_loggs, user_logg) if user_logg not in possible_loggs: print(f'Possible logg: {possible_loggs}'.format(possible_loggs)) print(f'For input logg {user_logg}, closest logg is {chosen_logg}.\n') elif user_logg in possible_loggs: print(f'Possible logg: {possible_loggs}') print(f'Using input logg of {user_logg}.\n') chosen_logg_name = f'g{str(chosen_logg)[0]}{str(chosen_logg)[2]}' wvl = hdul[1].data['WAVELENGTH']*1e-10 flux = hdul[1].data[chosen_logg_name]*1e-7*1e4/1e-10/np.pi # flux = flux * wvl hdul.close() return wvl, flux
# def get_phoenix_spiderman(Teff, logg, MH): # PHOENIX_DIR = '/home/zieba/Documents/PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011_R10000FITS_Z-0.0' # ftemplate = 'lte{teff:05d}-{logg:4.2f}-0.0.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011-HiRes.fits' # filename = os.path.join(PHOENIX_DIR, ftemplate.format(teff=Teff, logg=logg, z=MH)) # # # changing to si, W / m^3 / str # flux, h = fits.getdata(filename, ext=0, header=True) # # flux = flux * 1e-7 * 1e6 / (np.pi) # # crval = h['CRVAL1'] # cdelt = h['CDELT1'] # ctype = h['CTYPE1'] # # if ctype == 'AWAV-LOG': # wvl = (np.exp(crval + cdelt * np.arange(0, len(flux)))) * 1e-10 # else: # print('ctype is not log! It is {}'.format(ctype)) # # return wvl, flux # # # def gen_phoenix(wvls, Teff, MH, logg): # sm = 'phoenix' # # Generate Stellar spectrum # sp = S.Icat(sm, Teff, MH, logg) # #print( # #print( # sp_wvl = sp.wave*1e-10 #m # sp_flux = sp.flux*1e-7*1e4/1e-10/np.pi # #x = sp_wvl # #y = sp_flux # #f = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic') # return sp_wvl, sp_flux #wvls, f(wvls) # # def gen_kurutz(wvls, Teff, MH, logg): # sm = 'ck04models' # # Generate Stellar spectrum # sp = S.Icat(sm, Teff, MH, logg) # sp_wvl = sp.wave*1e-10 #m # sp_flux = sp.flux*1e-7*1e4/1e-10/np.pi # #x = sp_wvl # #y = sp_flux # #f = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic') # return sp_wvl, sp_flux #wvls, f(wvls)