Source code for pacman.s21_bin_spectroscopic_lc

"""This code reads in the optimally extracted lightcurve and bins it into channels 5 pixels wide, following Berta '12"""
import time as time_now
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from import ascii
from astropy.table import QTable
# from numpy import *
# from pylab import *
from tqdm import tqdm

from .lib import manageevent as me
from .lib import plots
from .lib import sort_nicely as sn

[docs]def run21(eventlabel, workdir: Path, meta=None): """This function reads in the lc_spec.txt file with the flux as a function of wavelength and bins it into light curves. """ print('Starting s21\n') if meta is None: meta = me.loadevent(workdir / f'WFC3_{eventlabel}_Meta_Save') def weighted_mean(data, err): #calculates the weighted mean for data points data with std err weights = 1.0/err**2. mu = np.sum(data*weights)/np.sum(weights) var = 1.0/np.sum(weights) return [mu, np.sqrt(var)] #returns weighted mean and variance if meta.use_wvl_list: print(meta.wvl_edge_list) wave_edges = np.array(meta.wvl_edge_list) meta.wvl_bins = int(len(wave_edges)-1) print('Number of bins:', meta.wvl_bins) else: meta.wvl_bins = int(meta.wvl_bins) wave_edges = np.linspace(meta.wvl_min, meta.wvl_max, meta.wvl_bins+1)*1e4 print('Number of bins:', meta.wvl_bins) print('chosen bin edges:', wave_edges) # reads in spectra if meta.s21_most_recent_s20: # NOTE: If spectra have a specific filetype ending they can also be globbed directly. lst_dir = sn.sort_nicely((meta.workdir / "extracted_lc").iterdir()) # the following line makes sure that only directories starting with a "2" are considered # this was implemented after issue #10 was raised (see issue for more info) # this works because the dates will always start with a "2" lst_dir_new = [lst_dir_i for lst_dir_i in lst_dir if"2")] spec_dir = lst_dir_new[-1] else: spec_dir = meta.s21_spec_dir_path_s20 print("Chosen directory with the spectroscopic flux files:", spec_dir) # save the mid bin wavelengths into a new file table_wvl = QTable(names=('bin', 'wavelengths')) wavelengths = np.array([(wave_edges[i] + wave_edges[i+1]) / 2. / 1.e4 for i in range(len(wave_edges) - 1)]) d = / "extracted_lc" / spec_dir / "lc_spec.txt") d = np.array([d[i].data for i in d.colnames]) nexp = meta.nexp #number of exposures npix = meta.npix#meta.BEAMA_f - meta.BEAMA_i #width of spectrum in pixels (BEAMA_f - BEAMA_i) #d = d.reshape(nexp , npix, -1) #reshapes array by exposure t_mjd, t_bjd = d[0].reshape(nexp, npix), d[1].reshape(nexp, npix) t_visit, t_orbit = d[2].reshape(nexp, npix), d[3].reshape(nexp, npix) ivisit, iorbit = d[4].reshape(nexp, npix), d[5].reshape(nexp, npix) scan = d[6].reshape(nexp, npix) spec_opt, var_opt = d[7].reshape(nexp, npix), d[8].reshape(nexp, npix) w = d[9].reshape(nexp, npix) # d[0,:, 4] #print(w[0]) #f = d[0, :, 2] w_min = w.min()#max(w[:,0]) w_max = w.max()#min(w[:,-1]) #print(w_min, w_max) #print(w.min(), w.max()) #w_hires = np.linspace(w.min(), w.max(), 10000) w_hires = np.linspace(w_min, w_max, 10000) oversample_factor = len(w_hires)/npix*1.0 #print(oversample_factor) #stores the indices corresponding to the wavelength range in each bin wave_inds = [] #lo_res_wave_inds = [] for i in range(len(wave_edges)- 1): wave_inds.append((w_hires >= wave_edges[i])&(w_hires <= wave_edges[i+1])) #for i in range(len(wave_bins)- 1): lo_res_wave_inds.append((w >= wave_bins[i])&(w <= wave_bins[i+1])) datetime = time_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') dirname = meta.workdir / "extracted_sp" / f'bins{meta.wvl_bins}_{datetime}' if not dirname.exists(): dirname.mkdir(parents=True) for i in tqdm(range(len(wave_edges) - 1), desc='***************** Looping over Bins', ascii=True): wave = (wave_edges[i] + wave_edges[i+1])/2./1.e4 outname = dirname / f"speclc{wave:.3f}.txt" #outname = "wasp33b_" + "{0:.4f}".format(wave)+".txt" #outfile = open(outname, 'w') #print(sum(wave_inds[i])) table = QTable(names=('t_mjd', 't_bjd', 't_visit', 't_orbit', 'ivisit', 'iorbit', 'scan', 'spec_opt', 'var_opt', 'wave')) #print('#t_mjd', '\t', 't_bjd', '\t', 't_visit', '\t', 't_orbit', '\t', 'ivisit', '\t', 'iorbit', '\t', 'scan', '\t', 'spec_opt', '\t', 'var_opt', '\t','wave', file=outfile) for j in range(nexp): t_mjd_i, t_bjd_i = t_mjd[j][0], t_bjd[j][0] t_visit_i, t_orbit_i = t_visit[j][0], t_orbit[j][0] ivisit_i, iorbit_i = ivisit[j][0], iorbit[j][0] scan_i = scan[j][0] spec_opt_i, var_opt_i = spec_opt[j], var_opt[j] w_i = w[j] f_interp = np.interp(w_hires, w_i, spec_opt_i) variance_interp = np.interp(w_hires, w_i, var_opt_i) #accounts for decrease in precision when spectrum is oversampled variance_interp *= oversample_factor fluxes = f_interp[wave_inds[i]] errs = np.sqrt(variance_interp[wave_inds[i]]) meanflux, meanerr = weighted_mean(fluxes, errs) #print(t_mjd, t_bjd, t_visit, t_orbit, ivisit, iorbit, scan, meanflux, meanerr**2, wave, file=outfile) #print wave, np.sum(d[j, lo_res_wave_inds[i],2]) table.add_row([t_mjd_i, t_bjd_i, t_visit_i, t_orbit_i, ivisit_i, iorbit_i, scan_i, meanflux, meanerr**2, wave]) #print wave, 1.0*sum(wave_inds)/len(w_hires), meanflux, meanerr ascii.write(table, outname, format='ecsv', overwrite=True) print(f'Saved light curve(s) in {dirname}') plots.plot_wvl_bins(w_hires, f_interp, wave_edges, meta.wvl_bins, dirname) print('Saving Wavelength bin file') for idx, wavelengths_i in enumerate(wavelengths): table_wvl.add_row([idx, wavelengths_i]) ascii.write(table_wvl, dirname / 'wvl_table.dat', format='rst', overwrite=True) print('Saving Metadata') me.saveevent(meta, meta.workdir / f'WFC3_{meta.eventlabel}_Meta_Save', save=[]) print('Finished s21 \n') return meta