Source code for pacman.s01_horizons

from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfileobj
from urllib.request import urlopen

import numpy as np
from import ascii
from tqdm import tqdm

from .lib import manageevent as me
from .lib.options import OPTIONS

[docs]def run01(eventlabel, workdir: Path, meta=None): """This function downloads the location of HST during the observations. - Retrieves vector data of Hubble from JPL's HORIZONS system on (see Web interface on Based on a perl script found on Also helpful: - txt file with HST positions in space will be saved in ./run/run_2021-01-01_12-34-56_eventname/ancil/horizons .. warning:: This step needs an internet connection! Parameters ---------- eventlabel : str the label given to the event in the run script. Will determine the name of the run directory workdir : str the name of the work directory. meta the name of the metadata file Returns ------- meta meta object with all the meta data stored in s00 Notes: ---------- History: Written by Sebastian Zieba December 2021 """ print('Starting s01') if meta is None: meta = me.loadevent(workdir / f'WFC3_{eventlabel}_Meta_Save') # read in filelist filelist_path = meta.workdir / 'filelist.txt' if filelist_path.exists(): filelist = t_mjd = filelist['t_mjd'] ivisit = filelist['ivisit'] # Setting for the JPL Horizons interface settings = [ "COMMAND= -48", # Hubble "CENTER= 500@0", # Solar System Barycenter (SSB) [500@0] "MAKE_EPHEM= YES", "TABLE_TYPE= VECTORS", # "START_TIME= $ARGV[0]", # "STOP_TIME= $ARGV[1]", "STEP_SIZE= 5m", # 5 Minute interval "OUT_UNITS= KM-S", "REF_PLANE= FRAME", "REF_SYSTEM= J2000", "VECT_CORR= NONE", "VEC_LABELS= YES", "VEC_DELTA_T= NO", "CSV_FORMAT= NO", "OBJ_DATA= YES", "VEC_TABLE= 3"] # Replacing symbols for URL encoding for i, _ in enumerate(settings): settings[i] = settings[i].replace(" =", "=").replace("= ", "=") settings[i] = settings[i].replace(" ", "%20") settings[i] = settings[i].replace("&", "%26") settings[i] = settings[i].replace(";", "%3B") settings[i] = settings[i].replace("?", "%3F") settings = '&'.join(settings) settings = '' + settings # save it in ./ancil/bjd_conversion/ horizons_dir = meta.workdir / 'ancil' / 'horizons' if not horizons_dir.exists(): horizons_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # retrieve positions for every individual visit for i in tqdm(range(max(ivisit) + 1), desc='Retrieving Horizons file for every visit', ascii=True): t_mjd_visit = t_mjd[np.where(ivisit == i)] t_start = min( t_mjd_visit) + 2400000.5 - 1 / 24 # Start of Horizons file one hour before first exposure in visit t_end = max(t_mjd_visit) + 2400000.5 + 1 / 24 # End of Horizons file one hour after last exposure in visit # Complete the settings by also adding information on the start and end of the times of interest. set_start = "START_TIME=JD{0}".format(t_start) set_end = "STOP_TIME=JD{0}".format(t_end) # Full link settings_new = settings + '&' + set_start + '&' + set_end # Location where to save the data filename = horizons_dir / f'horizons_results_v{i}.txt' # Download data with urlopen(settings_new) as in_stream,'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(in_stream, out_file) # Save results print('Saving Metadata') me.saveevent(meta, meta.workdir / f'WFC3_{meta.eventlabel}_Meta_Save', save=[]) print('Finished s01 \n') return meta