Source code for pacman.s00_table

import time
import pkg_resources
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import QTable
from import ascii, fits
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from tqdm import tqdm

from .lib import read_pcf as rd
from .lib import util
from .lib import manageevent as me
from .lib import plots

[docs]class MetaClass: """A Class which will contain all the metadata of the analysis.""" def __init__(self): return
[docs]def run00(eventlabel: str, pcf_path: Optional[Path] = Path.cwd()): """This function does the initial setup of the analysis, including creating a table with information on the observations. This table will be saved into 'filelist.txt'. Steps: - 1. Creates a MetaData object - 2. Creates a new run directory with the following form, e.g.: ./run/run_2021-01-01_12-34-56_eventname/ - 3. Copy and pastes the control file (obs_par.pcf) and the fit parameters file (fit_par.txt) into the new directory - 4. Reads in all fits files and creates a table which will be saved in filelist.txt. - 5. Saves metadata into a file called something like ./run/run_2021-01-01_12-34-56_eventname/WFC3_eventname_Meta_Save.dat The information listed in filelist.txt are: * **filenames**: The name of the observational file (the file will end with .ima) * **instr**: The specific filter or grism used in this observation (taken from the header) * **ivisit**: The visit number when the observation was taken (will be calculated in s00) * **iorbit**: The orbit number when the observation was taken (will be calculated in s00) * **t_mjd**: Mid exposure time (exposure start and end is taken from the header) * **t_visit**: Time elapsed since the first exposure in the visit * **t_orbit**: Time elapsed since the first exposure in the visit * **scan**: Scan direction (0: forward - lower flux, 1: reverse - higher flux, -1: postarg2=0) * **exp**: Exposure time .. note:: We use the following approach to determine the visit and orbit number: - if two exposures arent in the same orbit and more than an orbital period apart -> not subsequent orbits but a new visit - if two exposures are more than 10 min apart but less than an orbital period -> subsequent orbits - else: two exposures less than 10 mins apart -> same orbit and same visit .. note:: We use the following approach to determine the scan direction: - if postarg2 < 0 --> scans[i] = 1 --> reverse scan - if postarg2 == 0 --> scans[i] = -1 --> no scan direction given - else: --> scans[i] = 0 --> forward scan Parameters ---------- eventlabel: str The label given to the event in the run script. Will determine the name of the run directory Returns ------- meta Meta object with all the meta data stored in s00 Notes: ---------- History: Written by Sebastian Zieba December 2021 """ print('\nStarting s00') # Initialize metadata object meta = MetaClass() meta.eventlabel = eventlabel # Load PACMAN control file (which is in the run directory) and store values in Event object pcffile = Path(pcf_path) / 'obs_par.pcf' pcf = rd.read_pcf(pcffile) rd.store_pcf(meta, pcf) # this file here is saved in /pacman/ # pacmandir is just the path of the directory /pacman/ meta.pacmandir = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename("pacman", "")) # meta.pacmandir = '/'.join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split('/')[:-2]) + '/' print('Location of PACMAN:', meta.pacmandir) # If the user runs the tests we have to set the rundir and datadir manually # if meta.rundir == 'pacman/tests/': # print('True') # meta.rundir = '/'.join(pcf_path.split('/')[:-1]) + '/' # print('Location of the tests directory:', meta.rundir) # if meta.datadir == 'pacman/tests/data': # print('True') # meta.datadir = '/'.join(pcf_path.split('/')[:-1]) + '/data/' # print('Location of the data directory:', meta.datadir) # Create directories for this run = Work Directory datetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') # run_files_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("pacman","") + '/data/run_files/' # print(run_files_dir) # onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(run_files_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_files_dir, f))] # print(onlyfiles) meta.workdir = meta.rundir / f'run_{datetime}_{meta.eventlabel}' if not meta.workdir.exists(): meta.workdir.mkdir(parents=True) print('Location of the new work directory:', meta.workdir) #Create a figure directory figure_dir = meta.workdir / 'figs' if not figure_dir.exists(): figure_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # Copy pcf and fit_par.txt shutil.copy(pcffile, meta.workdir) fit_parfile = pcf_path / 'fit_par.txt' shutil.copy(fit_parfile, meta.workdir) print('pcf and fit_par files copied to the new work directory', meta.workdir) # Create list of file segments meta = util.readfiles(meta) num_data_files = len(meta.segment_list) print(f'Found {num_data_files} data file(s) ending in {meta.suffix}.fits') files = meta.segment_list # gets list of filenames in directory # A file called "filelist.txt" should include all _ima.fits file names and if they are a spec or di times = np.zeros(len(files)) exp = np.zeros(len(files)) instr = np.zeros(len(files), object) scans = np.zeros(len(files), dtype=int) # Stores scan directions postarg2 = np.zeros(len(files)) # Will create a table with the properties of all _ima.fits files at the first run for i, file in enumerate(tqdm(files, desc='Reading in files and their headers', ascii=True)): ima = # The header "instr" tells us if the observation used a Filter (-> Direct Image) or a Grism (-> Spectrum) # print(repr(ima[0].header)) instr[i] = ima[0].header['filter'] exp[i] = ima[0].header['exptime'] times[i] = (ima[0].header['expstart'] + ima[0].header['expend'])/(2.0) # mid exposure time # Scan direction # Scan: (0: forward - lower flux, 1: reverse - higher flux, -1: Filter) scans[i] = 0 # sets scan direction if ima[0].header['postarg2'] < 0: scans[i] = 1 if instr[i][0] == 'F': scans[i]= -1 postarg2[i] = ima[0].header['postarg2'] ima.close() # Files are chronologically sorted tsort = np.argsort(times) files = np.array([Path(file).name for file in files])[tsort] # files = np.array(files) # files = files[tsort] times = times[tsort] exp = exp[tsort] instr = instr[tsort] instr = np.array([str(iii) for iii in instr]) scans = scans[tsort] postarg2 = postarg2[tsort] # # for i, file in enumerate(tqdm(files, desc='Reading in files and their headers', ascii=True)): # f = open(meta.workdir + '/{0}header_{1}.txt'.format(i, str(file).split('/')[-1]), 'w') # #print(file) # ima = # print(repr(ima[0].header), file=f) # ima.close() # f.close # Identify orbits and visits iexp_orb = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=int) iorbits = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=int) ivisits = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=int) iorbit = 0 ivisit = 0 tos = np.zeros(len(times)) #time since begin of orbit tvs = np.zeros(len(times)) #time since begin of visit iexp_orb_counter = 0 #index of first exposure in orbit iorbit_begin = 0 #index of first exposure in orbit ivisit_begin = 0 #index of first exposure in visit times_diff = np.insert(np.diff(times), 0, 0) for i, itime in enumerate(tqdm(times, desc='Determining orbit(s) and visit(s)', ascii=True)): # if two exposures arent in the same orbit and more than an orbital period apart -> not subsequent orbits but a new visit if times_diff[i] * 24 * 60 > 100: iorbit_begin = i ivisit_begin = i iorbit = 0 ivisit += 1 iexp_orb_counter = 0 # if two exposures are more than 10 min apart but less than an orbital period -> subsequent orbits elif 30 < times_diff[i] * 24 * 60 <= 100: iorbit_begin = i iorbit += 1 iexp_orb_counter = 0 # else: two exposures less than 10 mins apart -> same orbit and same visit iorbits[i] = iorbit ivisits[i] = ivisit tos[i] = (itime - times[iorbit_begin]) * 24 * 60 # time since first exposure in orbit tvs[i] = (itime - times[ivisit_begin]) * 24 * 60 # time since first exposure in visit if instr[i][0] == 'F': iexp_orb[i] = -1 iexp_orb_counter = 0 elif instr[i][0] == 'G': iexp_orb[i] = iexp_orb_counter iexp_orb_counter += 1 # Saves a plot showing when was observered if meta.save_obs_times_plot or meta.show_obs_times_plot: plots.obs_times(meta, times, ivisits, iorbits) # Only save information of the visits of interest if meta.which_visits != 'everything': mask_visit = [any(tup) for tup in zip(*[ivisits == i for i in meta.which_visits])] files = files[mask_visit] instr = instr[mask_visit] iexp_orb = iexp_orb[mask_visit] ivisits = ivisits[mask_visit] iorbits = iorbits[mask_visit] times = times[mask_visit] tvs = tvs[mask_visit] tos = tos[mask_visit] scans = scans[mask_visit] postarg2 = postarg2[mask_visit] exp = exp[mask_visit] print('The user does not want to analyse every visit (which_visits != everything). ' 'The amount of files analyzed therefore reduced from {0} to {1}.'.format(num_data_files, sum(mask_visit))) # changing the numeration of the visits: # eg: when which_visits = [0,2,5,6] # then the ivisits list will look something like this: # ivisits = [0,0,0,0,2,2,2,5,5,5,6,6,6] # the following will then reindex ivisit into [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] ivisits = rankdata(ivisits, method='dense')-1 # Saves a plot showing when was observed with the new indexing of ivisits if which_visits was set by the user if meta.which_visits != 'everything' and (meta.save_obs_times_plot or meta.show_obs_times_plot): plots.obs_times(meta, times, ivisits, iorbits, updated=True) print('Writing table into filelist.txt') # table = QTable([files, instr, ivisits, iorbits, iexp_orb, times, tvs, tos, scans, exp, postarg2], # names=('filenames', 'instr', 'ivisit', 'iorbit', 'iexp_orb', 't_mjd', 't_visit', 't_orbit', # 'scan', 'exp', 'postarg2'))# scan: (0: forward - lower flux, 1: reverse - higher flux, -1: Direct Image) table = QTable([files, instr, ivisits, iorbits, iexp_orb, times, tvs, tos, scans, exp], names=('filenames', 'instr', 'ivisit', 'iorbit', 'iexp_orb', 't_mjd', 't_visit', 't_orbit', 'scan', 'exp'))# scan: (0: forward - lower flux, 1: reverse - higher flux, -1: Direct Image) ascii.write(table, meta.workdir / 'filelist.txt', format='rst', overwrite=True) # Save results print('Saving Metadata') me.saveevent(meta, meta.workdir / f'WFC3_{meta.eventlabel}_Meta_Save', save=[]) print('Finished s00 \n') return meta