Source code for pacman.lib.optextr

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal

[docs]def smooth(x, nsmooth): """Applies a boxcar smooth of length nsmooth to the vector x. Returns the smoothed vector.""" # Interpolates over masked values if (sum(x == 0) > 0) & (sum(x) > 0): bpix = x == 0.0 gpix = ~bpix gx = x[gpix] interp = np.interp(bpix.nonzero()[0], gpix.nonzero()[0], gx) x[bpix] = np.float32(interp) return scipy.signal.medfilt(x, nsmooth) #median filters the data
[docs]def diagnostics_plot(D, M, indmax, outlier_array, f_opt, profile, i, ii, meta): indmax = np.argmax(outlier_array) #finds biggest outlier indmax = np.unravel_index(indmax, outlier_array.shape) #converts it from flat to tuple fig,ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10)) ax[0,0].set_title("Raw Data") im00 = ax[0, 0].imshow(D, vmin=0, vmax=50) ax[0, 0].scatter(x=indmax[1], y=indmax[0], color='w', marker='x') cbar00 = fig.colorbar(im00, ax=ax[0, 0], shrink=0.89, pad=0.02) #m = #m.set_array(D) #ax[0,0].set_colorbar(m) ax[0,1].set_title("Outliers") im01 = ax[0,1].imshow(M*outlier_array,vmin=0, vmax=20) ax[0,1].scatter(x=indmax[1], y=indmax[0], color='w', marker='x') cbar01 = fig.colorbar(im01, ax=ax[0, 1], shrink=0.89, pad=0.02) #plt.colorbar(m) ax[1, 0].set_title("Cut in spatial direction") ax[1, 0].axvline(x=indmax[0], color="red") ax[1, 0].plot(D[:, indmax[1]], label="data") ax[1, 0].plot((f_opt*profile)[:, indmax[1]], color="orange", label="model") ax[1, 0].legend() ax[1, 0].set_xlabel('Wavelength [um]') ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('Counts') ax[1, 1].set_title("Outliers: cut in spatial direction") ax[1, 1].plot(outlier_array[:, indmax[1]]) ax[1, 1].axvline(x=indmax[0], color="red") ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('Residuals') ax[1, 1].set_xlabel('Wavelength [um]') plt.tight_layout() opextr_dir = meta.workdir / 'figs' / 's20_optextr' if not opextr_dir.exists(): opextr_dir.mkdir(parents=True) plt.savefig(opextr_dir / f'optextr{i}-{ii}.png', dpi=120, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close('all') plt.clf()
[docs]def optextr(D, err, f_std, var_std, M, nsmooth, sig_cut, save_optextr_plot, i_sp, ii_sp, meta): """Function to optimally extract a spectrum. Parameters ---------- D: data array (already background subtracted) err: error array (in addition to photon noise; e.g. error due to background subtraction) f_std: box-extracted spectrum (from step 4 of Horne) var_std: variance of standard spectrum (also from step 4) M: array masking bad pixels; 0 is bad and 1 is good nsmooth: number of pixels to smooth over to estimate the spatial profile (7 works well) sig_cut: cutoff sigma for flagging outliers (10.0 works well) diagnostics: boolean flag specifying whether to make diagnostic plots Returns ------- f_opt, var_opt: optimally extracted spectrum and its variance """ #STEPS 5-8: estimating spatial profile and removing cosmic rays f_opt = np.copy(f_std) #array to store the optimally extracted spectrum outlier_array = np.zeros_like(D) #array used to find outliers outliers = True numoutliers = 0 #number of outliers rejected by optimal extraction while outliers == True: #STEP 5: construct spatial profile #interpolate over masked regions to better estimate spatial profile profile = np.apply_along_axis(smooth, 1, M*D, nsmooth) #enforce positivity ind = profile < 0.0 profile[ind] = 0.0 #handles case where whole column is 0 ind = np.where(profile.sum(axis=0)==0) profile[:, ind] = 1.0 #since we normalize by column, we just need to set all the whole column equal to the same (nonzero) value #normalize profile = profile/profile.sum(axis = 0) #STEP 6: revise variance estimates var = abs(f_opt*profile) + err #STEP 7: mask cosmic rays/bad pixels outlier_array = M*(D - (f_opt*profile))**2/var #number of standard deviations away from expected is each pixel maxes = np.argmax(outlier_array, axis = 0) #print maxes newoutliers = 0 for ii in range(len(maxes)): ind2, ind1 = ii, maxes[ii] #print ind1, ind2 if outlier_array[ind1, ind2] > sig_cut**2.: M[ind1, ind2] = 0.0 numoutliers += 1 newoutliers += 1 if newoutliers == 0: outliers = False indmax = np.argmax(outlier_array) #finds biggest outlier indmax = np.unravel_index(indmax, outlier_array.shape) #converts it from flat to tuple #if outlier_array[indmax] > sig_cut**2.0: # M[indmax] = 0.0 #checks to see if the pixel is an outlier > sig_cut, and if so, masks that pixel # numoutliers += 1 #else: outliers = False #if not outliers, switches outliers flag to false to close loop #STEP 8: extract optimal spectrum f_opt = ((M*profile*D/var).sum(axis = 0))/(M*profile**2/var).sum(axis=0) #(M*profile)[:,0] = 0 breaks everything! #((M*profile)).sum(axis = 0)=[0,1,1,1,1,...,1,1,1,1] #M[:,0]*profile[:,0] = [0,0,0,0,0] # M[:,0] = [1,0,1,1,1,1,....,1,1,1,1] # profile[:,0] = [0,1,0,0,0,0,....,0,0,0,0] # problem occurs if eg there is only one non zero value in profile and M is zero where profile is non zero var_opt = (M*profile).sum(axis = 0)/(M*profile**2/var).sum(axis = 0) if save_optextr_plot == True: diagnostics_plot(D, M, indmax, outlier_array, f_opt, profile, i_sp, ii_sp, meta) return f_opt, var_opt, numoutliers