Source code for pacman.lib.manageevent

  Manage Event


  Routines for handling events.

  Package Contents
  saveevent(event, filename, save=['event'], delete=[])
      Saves an event in .dat (using cpickle) and .h5 (using h5py) files.

  loadevent(filename, load):
      Loads an event stored in .dat and .h5 files.

  updateevent(event, filename, add):
      Adds parameters given by add from filename to event.

  >>> from manageevent import *

  # Save  hd209bs51_ini.dat and hd209bs51_ini.h5 files.
  >>> saveevent(event, 'd209bs51_ini',
                save=['data', 'head','uncd', 'bdmskd'])

  # Load the event and its data frames
  >>> event = loadevent('hd209bs51_ini', ['data'])

  # Load uncd and bdmsk into event:
  >>> updateevent(event, 'hd209bs51_ini', ['uncd', 'bdmskd'])

  2010-07-10  patricio  joined loadevent and
                        saveevent into this package.
                        updateevent added.
  2010-11-12  patricio  reimplemented using exec()
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

import h5py as h5

from .options import OPTIONS

    import cPickle as pickle
except Exception:
    import _pickle as pickle

[docs]def saveevent(event, filename: Path, save: Optional[List[str]] = [], delete: Optional[List[str]] = [], protocol: Optional[int] = 3): """Saves an event in .dat (using cpickle) and .h5 (using h5py) files. Parameters ---------- event : An Event instance. filename : pathlib.Path Path to the event file. save : list of str, optional The elements of this tuple contain the parameters to save. We usually use the values: 'data', 'uncd', 'head', 'bdmskd', 'brmksd' or 'mask'. delete : list of str, optional Parameters to be deleted. Notes ----- The input filename should not have the .dat nor the .h5 extentions. Side effect: This routine deletes all parameters except 'event' after saving it. Examples -------- See package example. Revisions --------- 2010-07-10 patricio Added documentation. """ filename = filename if isinstance(filename, Path) else filename if save != []: with h5.File(f'{filename}.h5', 'w') as handle: for param in save: handle[param] = getattr(event, param) delattr(event, param) # NOTE: Calibration data if event.havecalaor: handle[f"pre{param}"] = getattr(event, f"pre{param}") handle[f"post{param}"] = getattr(event, f"post{param}") delattr(event, f"pre{param}") delattr(event, f"post{param}") # NOTE: Delete if requested for param in delete: delattr(event, param) if event.havecalaor: delattr(event, f"pre{param}") delattr(event, f"post{param}") # NOTE: Pickle-Save the event with Path(f'{filename}.dat').open('wb') as handle: pickle.dump(event, handle, protocol)
[docs]def loadevent(filename: Path, load: Optional[List[str]] = [], loadfilename: Optional[bool] = None): """Loads an event stored in .dat and .h5 files. Parameters ---------- filename : pathlib.Path Path to the event file. load : list of str The elements of this tuple contain the parameters to read. We usually use the values: 'data', 'uncd', 'head', 'bdmskd', 'brmskd' or 'mask'. Notes ----- The input filename should not have the .dat nor the .h5 extentions. Returns ------- This function return an Event instance. Examples -------- See package example. Revisions --------- 2010-07-10 patricio Added documentation. """ filename = filename if isinstance(filename, Path) else filename with Path(f'{filename}.dat').open('rb') as handle: event = pickle.load(handle, encoding=OPTIONS["encoding"]) if loadfilename is None: loadfilename = filename if load: with h5.File(f'{loadfilename}.h5', 'r') as handle: for param in load: setattr(event, param, handle[param][:]) # NOTE: Calibration data if event.havecalaor: setattr(even, f"pre{param}", handle[f"pre{param}"][:]) setattr(even, f"post{param}", handle[f"post{param}"][:]) return event
[docs]def updateevent(event, filename: Path, add: List[str]): """Adds parameters given by add from filename to event. Parameters ---------- event : An Event instance. filename : pathlib.Path Path to the event file. add : list of str The elements of this tuple contain the parameters to add. We usually use the values: 'data', 'uncd', 'head', 'bdmskd', 'brmaskd' or 'mask'. Notes ----- The input filename should not have the .dat nor the .h5 extentions. Returns ------- This function return an Event instance. Examples -------- See package example. Revisions --------- 2010-07-10 patricio Created. """ event2 = loadevent(filename, load=add) for param in add: setattr(event, param, getattr(event2, param)) # NOTE: Calibration data if event.havecalaor: setattr(event, f"pre{param}", getattr(event2, f"pre{param}")) setattr(event, f"post{param}", getattr(event2, f"post{param}")) return event